This site makes Gomoku and Renju players who want to help newcomers, but also advanced players to expand their skills and knowledge these two board games.
This site developed:

Břetislav Krček (Denim
), Personal pages
- project manager li>
- web design li>
- programming li>
- writing lyrics li>

Michal Hantl (Hakunin), Personal pages
- provide its content management system li>
- technical support li>
- programming li>
- consultation in web development li>

Štěpán Tesařík (Peroxid
- administration and author of gomoku tasks li>
- manager of site content li>
- author of the english version li>

Jan Rippel (bizur
- author of gomoku and renju tasks

Martin Kubát (Frankovka
- author of gomoku tasks

Jan Kopecký (DeafBat
- author of gomoku tasks
- author of the english version

Eva Vondráčková (emv
- administration section: Renju openings li>
- manager of site content li>

Jan Purkrábek (Purkys
- consultation in designing the structure and content of the Web
- manager of site content
- author of gomoku tasks

Aleš Rybka (kaprar
- author of gomoku tasks
- author of renju rules

Michal Koláček (Kolda
- author of english version

Petr Albrecht (albi
- programming functionality of the board (tasks and lessons)

Jan Bazika (Sapek
- consultation in designing the structure and content of the Web li>
- writing lyrics li>

Monika Zowadová (olsava
- author of gomoku and renju tasks

Roman Vyorálek (Paginghpaugh
- author of gomoku tasks